Overcoming the barriers to maximise the commercial potential of vitamin D fortified dairy products in the United Kingdom
The role of macronutrient composition at the ingredient and meal level in determining the sustained acceptance of plant-based foods
Is measuring real-world appetite useful for weight loss prediction with a novel weight loss product, and is this approach acceptable in underserved communities?
Ensuring the nutritional health of UK food manufacturing employees: Building evidence-driven behaviour change interventions amongst a hard-to-reach occupational group
De-risking product innovation: Using a programmable vending machine to evaluate responses to food in large cohorts and over long periods
Transitioning to a flexitarian diet: Exploring barriers and enablers of non-animal protein consumption in UK families
Understanding multi-component food-items and their influence on eating behaviour: multi-disciplinary research programme development and supporting pilot work
Reducing the carbon footprint of a high street restaurant chain by nudging consumers toward healthier, lower carbon meals
“Finding Healthy Online”: A project to share and initiate research-industrial insight on how online supermarket food environments can support healthier more sustainable diets for consumers